Christmas Text Message Scams

Christmas Text Message Scams

Dec 07 2022

With the Christmas season in full swing, criminals are taking advantage of unsuspecting shoppers by sending out text message scams claiming to be from popular delivery services such as AusPost and Allied Express etc. These messages claim that your package has been delayed or lost and ask you to click on a link for more information.

While this may seem like a harmless gesture, these links often lead to malicious websites that can steal your personal information or infect your device with malware. It’s important to stay vigilant and recognize the signs of a package delivery scam so you can protect yourself and your loved ones this holiday season.

How These Text Message Scams Work

The package delivery text message scam works by sending texts that appear to be from major shipping companies like AusPost or Allied Express. Some, however, simply have a name or a standard word such as, ‘Post’.

The messages may contain information about an undelivered package, including a link to tracking information or a claim that additional fees are required in order to receive the package. If you click on the link provided in the text message, you will be taken to a website that looks like it belongs to the legitimate company being impersonated. This website may ask for payment information for you to receive your package.

In reality, these text messages are sent by scammers who are trying to steal your personal and financial information. They may also use malware-infected links that can infect your device with viruses or spyware. Any sensitive data they can get their hands on will likely be used to commit identity theft or fraud in your name.

Spotting Package Delivery Text Message Scams

It’s important to remember that legitimate companies do not send unsolicited text messages asking for payments or other personal information. If you receive such a message, take a few moments to look into it before acting on it. You can always contact the company directly using contact details found on their official website if you’re unsure about whether the message is real or fake. It’s also good practice to delete any suspicious texts without clicking on any links contained inside them.  These could lead you straight into dangerous territory online where scammers lurk waiting for unsuspecting victims!

What Should You Do If You Receive One of These Messages?

If you receive one of these messages, do not click on any links! Instead, delete the message immediately. In addition, talk to your family and friends about these types of scams so they know how to spot them.

You can also the company directly using the contact information found on their website. Alternatively, use other trusted sources such as Google search results. Furthermore, consider reporting the scam message using your mobile phone provider’s online tool or filing an online complaint with ScamWatch. This helps alert authorities about potential scams and allows them to take action against those responsible.


Christmas is just around the corner. Now is the time for everyone to remain vigilant against package delivery scams via text message. Especially those expecting packages.

Remember: legitimate companies do not send unsolicited messages asking for payments or other personal details over SMS! If you do receive such a message, investigate further before taking action. It could be part of an elaborate scam designed specifically with holiday shoppers in mind! Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!

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