3 Reasons Why Software Updates are Important

3 Reasons Why Software Updates are Important

Jun 08 2022

Software Updates are important, but why?

We all know that annoying little reminder down on the right of our screen that says “Update now”. We shush it away as if the process of running this update will cause some sort of malfunction or reduce work time – or interrupt that YouTube video you are watching. But, ignoring these updates is a big mistake and here are three reasons why.

1. Cyber Security

Software that is obsolete or recently ‘unsupported’ is susceptible to cyber criminals and hackers. Updates work to protect your system by patching vulnerabilities to help secure your system, which is why updates are so important. However, it doesn’t end there.

When updates occur, software notes regularly include the access points that have been patched. These are then accessible to the public to view. Therefore, having a high-quality security program is also needed to ensure your system is not vulnerable.

Both updates and software security work hand in hand, having one without the other would be like closing all the doors to the cold, but leaving one window open.

Utilizing a high quality End Point Detection system such as SentinelOne, your system will have the most up-to-date coverage with real time autonomous prevention, detection, and recovery from threats.

2. Efficiency and performance

Much like your car needs new oil, air filters and fluids to run more effectively and efficiently, your system needs the same TLC. Updates are as important as maintaining your vehicle, so why not invest the time to do them. By spending a short amount of time updating your computer, you can easily maintain the efficiency of your system.

Overloaded systems crash. Updates provide stability within the software to prevent these crashes from happening.  New and improved features are often included in each patch update along with speed enhancements and program performance. These all work together to create a much more enjoyable experience for the user.

Updates are more than just ensuring security and efficiency for your system. There are so many facets to what these patches cover. The technicians that create these patches have to check every part of the patch they create, doesn’t interfere with another component. This is why they are the experts, and we simply need to embrace what they have completed.

3. Compatibility

The latest and greatest in software technology is constantly evolving. Upgrading your Operating System each time would be an expensive and time consuming task and one that would be counter-productive to conglomerates such as Apple and Microsoft.

Software patches provide compatibility enhancements, which is why they are so important. Some enhancements include the ability to chat with other platforms such as Microsoft users connecting with Mac, Android and iOS users, as well as syncing and customising displays. All of these compatibility enhancements make for an easier and more enjoyable experience.

If you are still wondering if you have all the correct updates on your systems, you can get in touch with an experienced IT technician to go over everything for you, thus ensuring you have the right protections and enhancements for your systems.

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